Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Friday, September 21, 2007
Internet MLM - All About Leveraging?
However, it is important to LEVERAGE on manpower when you are considering online business. Leveraging on team efforts help to relief your workload and thus, fasten up your speed in achieving your goals.
By travelling for about 400km, are you there just to enjoy the GLORIOUS food such as ‘Bak Kut Teh’...
OR enjoy the beautiful scenery at Cheras (outskirt of Kuala Lumpur)...
OR ‘lala’...
Leveraging on people when you are in an unfamiliar place not only help you ease in your direction, but also you are being recommended and introduced to fantastic food too.
So what does leverage got to do with your online business or career or your life?
For instance, in order to lift a heavy object, we do have a choice whether to use leverage or not. Well, a person can try to lift the object directly with the risk of injury, or use a lever such as a long plank of wood or jack. This will helps to transfer some of the weight and thus be able to lift the object with lesser effort.
In Internet MLM too, leveraging on people’s effort with the same force exerted, will produce a bigger result.
Which method is better? By not applying leverage, will you succeed? Perhaps... However, by using leverage, you are able to lift so much more and effortless.
So, the concept of Leverage is important in our business and career success. Without leverage, you may have to work very hard and rewards are limited by the hours you put forward. And with leverage, you are able to break this correlation and eventually, accomplish so much more.

Sunday, August 5, 2007
Review Of Living The 7 Habits The Courage To Change

Stephen R. Covey “Living The 7 Habits: The Courage To Change” shows how people who had succeeded used these 7 Habits principle to solve problems, overcome obstacles, and change their lives.
What are the 7 Habits and How can we apply the principles to thrive in a changing world, and to have a meaningful life.
Habit 1 – Be Proactive
• More than taking initiative.
• Accepting responsibility for our own behaviour (past, present, and future).
• Making choices based on principles and values rather than moods or circumstances.
• Choose not to be victims, to be reactive, or to blame others.
• Using four unique human gifts – self-awareness, conscience, imagination, and independent will.
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind
• All things are created twice- first mentally, second physically.
• We shape our own future by creating a mental vision and purpose for any project.
• Mentally identify and commit yourself to the principles, values, relationships, and purposes that matter most.
• Mission statement is the highest form of mental creation.
Habit 3 – Put First Things First
• Is the second or physical creation.
• Organising and executing around the mental creation (your purpose, vision, values, and most important priorities.)
• Focus on what matters most, urgent or not.
• The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
Habit 4 – Think Win-Win
• A frame of mind and heart that seeks mutual benefit, based on mutual respect in all interactions.
• Not thinking selfishly (win-lose), Not like a martyr (lose-win).
• In work and family, think in terms of “we” not “me”.
• Encourages conflict resolution, helps individual seek mutually beneficial solutions.
Habit 5 – Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
• Listen with the intent to understand others, rather than with the intent to reply.
• When others feel understood first, they feel affirmed and valued, defenses are lowered, and opportunities to speak openly and to be understood come much more naturally and easily.
• Seeking to understand takes kindness.
• Seeking to be understood takes courage.
• Effectiveness lies in balancing the two.
Habit 6 – Synergize
• A way of working in teams.
• Apply effective problem solving, collaborative decision making.
• Value differences and build on divergent strengths.
• Leverage creative collaboration.
• The result of teamwork will exceed the sum of what each of the members could have achieved on their own.
• “The whole is greater than the sum if its parts.”
Habit 7 – Sharpen The Saw
• Constantly renewing ourselves in the four basic areas of life: physical, social/emotional, mental and spiritual.
• It’s the habit that increases our capacity to live other habits of effectiveness.
Stephen Covey “Living The 7 Habits: The Courage To Change” is a recommended book to read. In this book, it shows how real people have applied the principles to thrive in a changing world. Stephen Covey greatly presents practical guidance and powerful inspiration to readers who are searching for a proven framework for a living a meaningful life. “To live change, to optimize change, you need principles that don’t change.” – Stephen R. Covey

Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Courage To Change
Comfort zone? Mindset??
People react to the norm which is what others are doing for now, they would prefer to stay in their position because there are no uncertainties, where life will just pass by like any other people. And they are just comfortable in where they are? People are not receptive towards change, especially when a fresh new idea is being presented in front of them. It may sound wonderful to them, but they do not have the COURAGE TO CHANGE.
My daughter, Rae, 4yrs 7mths, picked up the word “The Courage To Change” and put it in her drawing. She may not understand those words, but in time, she will get it.
To Rae, it was a very simple representative drawing of herself in two positions.
But to me, I could perceive the great meaning with the wordings “The Courage To Change” incorporated. I could see that the girl who was standing under the tree, who was so used to her comfort zone, took courage to make her move out of the tree. The perspective is that, if that girl is to stay protected under the tree, there is a limitation to her view, however, when she moved her position, she could see the world in a wider angle. Yes, that’s the paradigm shift.
Well, this is how I analyse the drawing; I believe you may have a different view from mine. But it is always GREAT when you step out that comfort zone to have a wider angle of view – The Courage To Change.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Downline Secrets Revealed
Discover how James exploded his
downline to over 5,700 members using only free traffic and his proven 3 step marketing strategy.
This package includes a downloadable
50 minute MP3 with transcripts and a special surprise from James himself.
This is a $97 value yours free!
Click Here For FREE Instant Access
Saturday, July 7, 2007
How Does Personal Development Help In Internet Network Marketing
Personal development helps you to relief blocks, pessimism, and transform situation right away. Personal development is to become a leader and coach to yourself and ultimately able to contribute and help others to use their talents, enthusiasm, wisdom and expertise to make a long-lasting and affirmative influence.
Personal development also involves your mind-set; you are always looking for new approach and thoughts for enhancement. Self improvement is a life long learning process. With more knowledge accumulated along the way, you are more likely to be wiser with making decisions and options throughout your life progress. With these self acquiring improvements, you will then improve physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
If you want to achieve success in your Internet Network Marketing, take charge of your personal development, only a person with the enthusiasm to empower themselves will then be able to lead to your success path.
Here are the 7 values that will help accelerate your personal development thus helps in your success of Internet Network Marketing.
Value 1
People has been reading very little, in order to become an expert in your field, you need to acquire knowledge through reading. Read at least one hour in your selected field or in the area of personal development, or both. The best place to get books will be your local library, if not, look for personal development membership site that allows you to access to lots of personal development ‘gurus’.
Value 2
If you spend most of your time traveling on the road, you can utilize the time by listening to any inspiring, motivational CDs, or MP3 in your car.
Value 3
You have to know what your standard is and ally your life around those standards. It will be a painful progress if you are not able to pursue your goals in line with your standards. This will ultimately lead to frustration when you are not able to reach your goals. By moving in line with your standards will then lead you to your achievement.
Value 4
Attend workshops, seminars and courses frequently. Attending such events give you precious opportunity to make exchanges and do networking. You will also tend to get tips or helpful information that may help in your Internet Network Marketing.
Value 5
Give yourself a quiet time to think through what would be your ideal life. If time, money and circumstance were not a concern, what would you be, do and have in your life?
Value 6
Determine your goal. Break down into annual, monthly, weekly and daily goals. “You fail to plan, you plan to fail.” How would you take the step to achieve your goals? Execute your daily goals and evaluate at the end of the day. Evaluate what you have achieved to a step nearer to your success.
Value 7
Get Going! With the desire, will lead you to action, and action with FOCUS, will lead you to your HABIT, and with the right habit, then you will be slowly receiving your success, where “Success leaves traces”.
The valuable part of this entire practice is to seriously examine yourself and see where you could improve, and then work on it. Your Internet Network Marketing business will then thrive as you consistently “coach” and “lead” yourself.
Get your Personal Development Source HERE!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Holy Are You, Lord
Holy! That's what our God is... every day, all the time.
Relax yourself... close your eyes... and worship him while you listen.
Holy Are You, Lord
by Terry Macalmon
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Where to submit your articles?
Good luck and have fun in your article submissions!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Internet Marketing Beginners – Have You Chosen the Right Internet Marketing Coach?
Most of the ‘newbies’ of Internet Marketing begin with great burning desire to succeed, with great hope, big plans and even big dreams!
Sadly, most of these people fail or gave up their internet business because they lack the appropriate tools, knowledge, and sometimes, the motivation required to succeed.
A good Internet Marketing Coach can actually address each of these concerns for you and will dramatically turns around failing Internet Marketing Business. And also, help you get your business right on track.
An Internet Marketing Coach will most likely be one of your biggest investments as in functioning your online business smoothly. It will worth every cent you will spend on him or her if you choose the right one.
There are a few criteria you need to keep in mind when selecting an InternetMarketing Coach.
If, they are unresponsive at any time before you signed on the dotted line, strike him or her off your list. If, they show irresponsibility after you became part of their team, then you should seriously find out how to choose the right Internet Markting Coach and move on to get yourself the right Coach.
Put these in your head, your Internet Marketing Coach is going to be a critical tool in the development of your business. Choosing and acquired the right Coach is necessary to exploit the success of your Internet Marketing Business. If you choose the right Coach for your Internet Marketing Business, it is a decision that you will feel most relieved and blessed in your life.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Have You Guess It Right?
This trip was lead by the travel agent The Passion Seekers Pte Ltd, tour guide, Mr Jeffrey Chan.
Mr Jeffrey Chan is a fantastic tour guide, whose his agency's name tells the professionalism in him. He is really passion seekers who take care of all of us in great detail, and to the extent, in between trips, we were constantly receiving surprises from him.
My family is really appreciative for the photos. Mr Jeffrey took the initiative and efforts to develop the educational trip expedition for all the five families. And also, he even took the efforts to burn the trip's photos in a CD! I have never seen such a passionate tour guide! If any of you seriously looking for a tour agency, look for Mr Jeffrey Chan, The Passion Seekers Pte Ltd, is who you need to enjoy and have the most memorable trip!
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Power Of Passive Income - The Biggest Unreality In Our Life
What is "The Biggest Unreality"? The Biggest Unreality is what we have been taught at a very young age:
"Only when you go to university and graduate with good grades, then you will get a good job and work for a reputable company. And you must be dedicated and give your all for that same company for 40 hours a week for 40 years of your life, then you will escalate the corporate ladder and by the time you arrive at the age of 65, you will be able to retire and enjoy the rest of your life…"
That's a BIG Unreality!! That's not reality at all, is it? In today's era, corporate security just doesn't exist, even if you find a job!
Here’s the reality –
- Majority of the people are dissatisfied with their work, their income or the amount of free time they have.
- Majority of the people spend more time on the job than with their families.
- Majority of two income families still struggle to survive.
- Majority of children under the age of 3 are already spending their waking hours in Child Care Center.
- Corporate security no longer exists. Majority people get laid off even when they are at the highest performing peak.
- More people are being filed for bankruptcy, and the number is increasing.
How about you? Have you fallen into the trap of "The Big Unreality"?
Get out of this rat race! Stop all this unreality! You don’t have to inhabit this kind of life!
You have a choice, you can ignore all this information, and continue to work for money OR you can be smart and let the MONEY WORK FOR YOU!
“I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”, Robert Frost’s poem (1916) The Road Not Taken.
I have make money work for me – how about you?
Monday, June 11, 2007
The Power Of Passive Income - Temporary vs. Residual Income
Have these words ever spin in your head, "There's Got to be a Better Way!"
Well, the reality is out of the bag NOW! You are living the type of lifestyle that is not only determined by the amount of income you earn, but also the type of income you earn. Now do you realize that it sounds so basic… that we didn’t even think about it! Although there are numerous ways to earn income, in actuality, there are only 2 types of income.
There's TEMPORARY INCOME where you get the work done and then you get paid. And then there's RESIDUAL INCOME where you can do the work one time, but get paid for that effort over and over again - thus creating an ongoing CASH FLOW.
So what kind of income are you getting? TEMPORARY or RESIDUAL?
Uncertain? Ask Yourself…
- If you are an employee, aside from prearranged vacation or sick days, if you don't go to work, do you still get paid?
- If you are a professional, like a lawyer, doctor, or accountant, if you don't see your clients or patients, will they still pay you for your services?
- If you are in sales, possibly real estate, cars or retail, if you don't show up to work, will your customers still pay you a commission?
- If you own a small business, does it do equally well or better when you are not there?
If you get NO to any of those questions, then you are getting TEMPORARY INCOME.
Temporary income is wholly dependent on the total of hours you put in. Thus there is always a limit to the amount of hours you can or are willing to work. And therefore, there will always be a limit to the amount of income you can earn. The reality is that you can hardly accumulate wealth and enjoy true-life freedom by trading time for money. There are simply not enough hours in the day!
Are there any PROVEN ways to help you make the switch from TEMPORARY income to RESIDUAL income so that you can accumulate wealth, and have the quality time to enjoy your success?
Look out for what is the “Biggest Unreality In Our Life”…
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Take Your Business Online To Reach Unlimited Pool Of Prospects Part 2
What are the most crucial step after your site is up and running? Marketing! Yes, you have to begin marketing. But, what can we do to market them? There are various ways of strategies that you could put your hand on to market your site. The various ways of marketing strategies are:
- Article writing
- Press Release
- Newsletter Advert
- Forum
- Pay per click
- Ebay
- Blog
I would suggest focusing on two to five different strategies for at least three months, before you evaluate the outcomes, and then you proceed to try the other strategies.
With the strategies implemented, you will begin to grow in your leads and sales exponentially. It is important to follow-up with your leads. Part of the process of keeping predetermined pool of prospects or leads is creating an option where visitors would be able to keep up with the developments in your site about special offers or promotions and other related updates. Or you could ask your customers to subscribe in exchange for free stuffs or special offer with links to any other parts of your site.
Maintain a healthy relationship, by getting in touch with your customers, through sending them a personal email. Send them offers and regular updates and special offers where all relevant information about your business is written. With the increased influx of customers and increased awareness of your business, the chances of partnership will be higher.
The importance in achieving success in Online Network Marketing is to be focus and persistent. Take one small step at a time and slowly you will path your way to success.
Remember! No Action, No Results!
The online network marketing success equation:
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Take Your Business Online To Reach Unlimited Pool Of Prospects Part 1
The benefits to building your business online are broad -you can simply work in shorts and a T-shirt, you only talk to people who are greatly enthusiastic, your business is working for you 24/7, your maintenance costs are low, and it’s easy to expand internationally. Most importantly, even if you are a computer idiot, like me, you can do it too, success does not equate computer genius.
Your first move is to create an online presence. You have to think of a domain name before you begin building a site. It is always an excellent idea to secure your personal identity site as Another approach is to choose a domain that relates to the name of your Internert Network Marketing group/team, such as, or Otherwise, you might want a domain that are captivating, such as or Brainstorm and list down all your ideas, then check your choices on a registry site until you find one that's available.
Once you have decided on a domain, you'll need to buy hosting services and then begin to build your site. If you have no idea how to design a site, you can either engage a designer or use a site builder that provides pre-made templates through your host. Whichever way you choose, your site should include the following:
- Your company information, product detail and opportunity
- A system for getting your product or registering to operate a business
- Testimonials and information on your support team and training
- The advantages of joining your team
- The offer of a free e-book, document or newsletter if users give you their name and a valid e-mail
- An autoresponder that sends follow-up e-mails to your prospects who provides their contact information. Make sure it can also send out newsletters.
Get your preferred domain registered even if you have yet to start your business.
Look out for Part 2, where I will talk on the crucial part of Business Online…
Friday, May 25, 2007
Traditional Network Marketing vs. Internet Network Marketing
There are plenty of network marketing opportunities around but you have to be careful in your CHOICE and keep away from those SCAM Companies.
Getting in a mlm or network-marketing company is a long term business where many ordinary people can gain Financial Freedom through their lucrative Residual and Leverage Compensation scheme provided ONLY if they work hard.
Building a long term business means that you should look for a company that has been existent for years and preferably HUGE and REPUTABLE. It is UNLIKELY to build a MLM or Network Marketing Business part time within a SHORT time span of one year or less.
That is why MAJORITY build it as a part-time business before going for the full swing as a full-time jobs.
With the wonders of the Internet, there is a NEW trend where more and more people are joining companies that cater for this market. They now generate their leads and prospects from the internet instead of the traditional method earning a monthly income from the comfort of their own home with just a computer and internet connection.
In traditional networking marketing:
- have to go around everywhere you can think of to get leads and prospects,
- buy advertising ads on newspaper, related magazine etc.,
- pester your friends, prospect or anyone you can think of for more leads,
- need to make cold calls to your new leads to sound them out and check whether they are interested in the product you are selling,
- sweat everytime you make a cold calls as you are afraid of the sound of slamming phones,
- need to pay for your car petrol or other means of transport that you may be using,
- need to meet up with your downline physically to motivate or help them with any question they may have.
In Internet Network Marketing, you sell via the internet ways:
- list your networking product on your website and let it do the selling by writing killer sales ads, - learn to optimize your website to get free new leads or prospects from the Search Engines,
- can get more new leads or prospect by bidding for keywords relating to your network marketing product with pay per click search engine such as Google Adwords (
- recruit your sales force by placing recruiting ads on your website,
- motivate and communicate with your sales teams using online tools such as emails, chat room or internet messenger,
- have the global market at the comfort of your home unlike the traditional Network Marketing Business which is usually limited to the local market.
For those who have an outgoing personality and like selling and are not afraid of direct rejection from new prospects, then the traditional network marketing companies suits you.
However, for many people, they are afraid of direct selling and joining a large and reliable internet mlm company is the best choice as they don't have to leave their home to make any sales.
What is your choice?
Monday, May 21, 2007
I Received The Success Gift!
- Article
- Press Release
- Newsletter Advert
- Forum
- Ebay
- Co-Reg
- Free Traffic Exchange
To All our Success!!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Raising The Level Of Success...
In today's society, we need to think in a different way to achieve real success.
Ever wonder how to get the RIGHT KIND of knowledge that when you learn, will skyrocket your SUCCESS in virtually every area of your life?
Get your FREE copy of "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill!
Monday, April 30, 2007
HO! ho! Ho!
"You better watch out, you better not cry,
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
What?? Who?? Lifelong Learners??
self-actualised learning. Lifelong learners demonstrate:
- the ability to accept themselves as well as others
- spontaneous but ethical behaviour
- a strong focus upon problems outside themselves
- the ability to capitalise on the qualities of detachment and solitude
- independent stability in the face of hard knocks
- freshness of appreciation
- deep feelings of identification, sympathy, and affection for humankind
- profound interpersonal relationships
- a democratic character structure
- strong ethics with definite moral standards
- philosophical, unhostile sense of humour
- a special kind of creativeness
- the ability to function independently as a part of the growing tip of humanity.
OK to simplify it ...
... is the continuum learning in acquisition of knowledge and skills.
My Philosophy
"It's never too soon or too late for learning."
Lily the lifelong learner :)
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Lifelong Journey
Learning is always a part and puzzle of life which no one can escape...
Here, I would like to share all parts of learning in life to be a betterment self,
and all are welcome to share your learning process and we learn from one another.
Cheers to life